Saturday, October 15, 2011

Midnigh musings on the good things of life

Off cow since Sept 21, 2011, stopping beef was so easy as I was not a big beafeater.  Milk yogurt and cheese seemed to come harder.  Today I picked up a cook book "Great Meals in Minutes, Meatless Menus" 1984 time life books....all the meals have 3 dishes and one of the 3 always had milk butter cheese yogurt or sour cream in it.   But we have choices!   Almond milk, hemp (seed) milk (no kidding), coconut milk (some grown in Hawaii and a lot grown further away), rice milk, and soy milk.  

Soy may be the worst for the enviornment: most soy is GMO and a lot of forrest has been cleared to plant soy.  So, if almonds are grown close to home, they may be a much better choice.

Here's a link on soy being non-green or "greenwashed" acc to Friends of the Earth:

Rice milk, and nut milks can be made at home, check where the rice or nut was grown, and if you can't find local at least find organic...that's my best thinking on this right now.

Anyone have a good recipe for making one of these?